
API Reference
Postman Collection

The Submission API allows participants to submit data to the Gas Bulletin Board (GBB).

For details about getting access to this API and the business rules, see the BB Submission Guide.

API status

Final, participants can use this specification to build their APIs.


 The primary audience is BB reporting entities and BB reporting agents.

Related resources

Related rules and procedures


Before using the Submission API, see API Requirements in Markets Portal Help.

Payload format

This API supports a JSON format payload.

API gateway

Participants can connect to the AEMO API Gateway through the internet or MarketNet. See URL format in the API Reference.

All communications between AEMO’s API gateway and participants’ gateways use HTTPS. AEMO APIs do not support HTTP.

User rights access

Registration is required to be a participant in the GBB. See GBB facility registration.

Participant administrators provide access to the Submission API using the entity: GBB - Gas Bulletin Board.

For details about user rights access, creating new Participant Users and assigning rights, see Guide to User Rights Management.


API requests are authorised by Basic HTTP authentication (Basic Auth) using a Base64-encoded username and password. The credentials are assigned by your company’s participant administrator.

In an API request, include the Base64-encoded string in a HTTPS Authorization header. For more information, see Authorisation in the API Reference.


You can submit your API compressed or uncompressed. Compression protocols are gzip or deflate.


To control traffic, AEMO implements throttling limits shown in the table below.

If requests exceed the throttling limit, the API responds with a HTTP 429 or 422 status.

Participants systems must manage throttling limits. AEMO can also reject multiple API requests for the same participantId at the same time.

Throttling level


Level 1

60 requests/min per X-initiatingParticipantID

Level 2

250 requests/min

Response codes

See Response codes in the API Reference.

Submission interfaces

In addition to the API, you can use the GBB interface in Markets Portal. See Gas Bulletin Board in Markets Portal Help.