NEM Dispatch Bidding

API Reference
Postman Collection

The NEM Dispatch Bidding API allows authorised participants to submit and retrieve their NEM Dispatch Bids/Offers. AEMO uses effective NEM Dispatch Bid/Offer submissions in the Central Dispatch process.

Note: This API version is backward compatible with the previous version. Participants not using BDUs can continue using the API.


The primary audience is implementers and maintainers of APIs in participant organisations.

The secondary audience is BAs and other interested parties.

API status

Final, participants can use the OpenAPI specification to build their APIs.

Changes in this version

  • Inclusion of direction attribute to submitBids API.

  • Updates to the description of BDU attributes.

  • Updates to the submitBids payload parameters.

Related resources

Related rules and procedures

See Related rules, procedures, and guidelines in Markets Portal Help.


Before using the API, see API Requirements in Markets Portal Help. You must also know:

  • your Dispatchable Unit Identifier (DUID), Interconnector, or Link ID.

  • the Participant File Server address to retrieve the:

    • bid_file_name.TXT submission acknowledgement (ack or cpt) to your ParticipantID\Import\MasterBids folder.

    • NEM_BIDS file to your ParticipantID\Import\CSV\Reports. This report conforms to the Electricity Data Model. For details about the tables in this report, see Electricity Data Model > Bids package.

Payload format

This API supports a JSON format payload. <This is an example. Some APIs support csv and JSON>


  • submitBids - Path Variables

  • getBid - Query Parameters

  • getBids - Query Parameters

  • getSubmission - Query Parameters

  • getSubmissions - Query Parameters

API gateway

Participants can connect to the AEMO API Gateway through the internet or MarketNet. See URL format in the API Reference.

All communications between AEMO’s API gateway and participants’ gateways use HTTPS. AEMO APIs do not support HTTP.

User rights access

Participant administrators provide access to the NEM Dispatch Bidding API using the entity: EMMS – Offers and Submissions – Energy FCAS MNSP Bids.

For more information, see Guide to User Rights Management.


API requests are authorised by Basic HTTP authentication (Basic Auth) using a Base64-encoded username and password. The credentials are assigned by your company’s participant administrator.

In an API request, include the Base64-encoded string in a HTTPS Authorization header. For more information, see Authorisation in the API Reference.


You can submit your API compressed or uncompressed. Compression protocols are gzip or deflate.


To control traffic, AEMO implements throttling limits shown in the table below.

If requests exceed the throttling limit, the API responds with a HTTP 429 or 422 status.

Participants systems must manage throttling limits. AEMO can also reject multiple API requests for the same participantId at the same time.




1 request per second per participantId.

The participantId is identified from the X-initiatingParticipantID request header parameter.

This restriction is due to an existing legacy limit in the bidding tables in the data model. The bidding tables rely on the field OfferDate in the primary key, which is a date time field supporting precision only to the second.





100 requests per minute, per participantId

Response codes

See Response codes in the API Reference. The API also has additional information for following response codes:





Unprocessable Entity

The API content failed business validation rules. See Bidding Validation Messages (available over MarketNet only) or Guide to FTP Energy, FCAS, and MNSP Bids and Offers


Primary Key Violation (A Bid/Offer already exists for the same time)

This message is equivalent to 429 Too Many Requests. Due to a backend process error where the request slips through the throttling validation and triggers a primary key violation. Wait and retry the submission


Too Many Requests

Possible reasons:

  • The requests exceed the throttling limit of 1 request per second. Wait and retry the submission

  • A primary key violation due to a backend process error where the request slips through the throttling validation and triggers a primary key violation. Wait and retry the submission

Submission interfaces

See How to use the Dispatch Bid/Offer Submission in Markets Portal Help.

Submission size

A submission request or response has a payload limit of 10 MB (compressed or uncompressed).

Submission processing

Submissions are processed in the order AEMO receives them. You must ensure the correct submission order so your latest Dispatch Bid/Offer Submission is the Effective Dispatch Bid/Offer Submission acknowledged by AEMO’s systems.

Submission response

If the entire submission is valid you receive a response 200 with transaction ID and other metadata related to the Submission.

If your submission has multiple Units and multiple Trading Days in a single request, and one has an error, AEMO rejects the whole submission.

If your submission has an error AEMO rejects it with a response code, displaying the source of the problem so you can identify its location. Rectify the issue by updating the values appropriately and resubmitting.

Submission details

Immediately after submission, on the Participant File Server > ParticipantID\Import\CSV\Reports folder, you receive a private NEM_BIDS file with your submission information. For details, see Electricity Data Model, below.

Submission cut-off time

The Bid/Offer Cut-off Time is 12:30 pm the day before the Trading Day.

Daily bid/offer

A Daily Bid/Offer is one submitted before the submission cut-off time.


A Rebid is a Bid/Offer submitted after the submission cut-off time.

Base URLs

The table below lists the base URLs for this API.


Base URL

Data Type

Pre-Production Internet Entry

Test Data

Pre-Production MarketNet Entry

Test Data

Production Internet Entry

Live Data

Production MarketNet Entry

Live Data

Direction field enumeration and use

Submit Bids 'energybid' and 'fcasBids' supports a conditional 'direction' indicator. Provision of allowable enumerated value is mandatory for BDU Energy and Regulation FCAS service type and optional for others.

Validations are performed in allowable combinations. See Direction Field Enumeration and Use Table.